Significant Achievement
- Seminar on Child Development and intelligence Communication on 27 September 2018.
- Participated in inter collegiate sports competition and won first prize in Athletics 800 meter Race 28-30 December 2018.
- Celebrated Constitution day 26 November 2019.
- Motivation to ban on single used Plastic after the prime minister called for a ‘movement’ against its use on 2nd October2019.
- As per govt. scheme successfully conducted Plantation program in college campus and its surroundings on 24 June 2019.
- Seminar on Hindi Diwas 14 September2018.
- Padhe Jhansi Badhe Jhansi Educational activities held on 16 December 2019.
- Educational seminar held on New Teaching Methods 23 December 2019.
- Work shop held on Personality development skill 7 January 2020.
- Participated in awareness really on National Voter day 25 January 2020 (For Voter Rights).